by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
The pandemic is putting forests at risk as poor people who have lost work cut trees down for fuel.Forests act as a ‘safety net’ for people who rely on it for food, shelter and work.The State of the World’s Forests 2020 report reveals some alarming...
by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
Two experts walk you through how to minimize the risk of air travel.They advise you to adopt a method called a ‘Heirarchy of Control’ that is often used by healthcare professional.Additionally, using simple hygiene tips and arming yourself with specific...
by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
An evolutionary biologist has warned of the consequences of eating bushmeat, due to the risk of catching zoonotic diseases, infectious diseases that originate in animals.Some of the world’s most deadly diseases, such as HIV, SARs, MERs, Ebola all emerged from...
by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
On the Antarctic Peninsula, so-called snow algae are turning the snow green.The algae thrive on temperatures just above freezing, which are increasingly common.Antarctica’s green snow could lay the groundwork for a whole new ecosystem. The visibly green algae in...
by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
Restrictions imposed as a result of coronavirus have seen emissions fall.They offer an insight into the significant changes that will be needed to bring emissions down to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.Long-term action and thinking is needed. The global...
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