by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
Seychelles announces marine-protection initiative to cover 30% of its waters.Humanity’s broken relationship with nature has given rise to viruses including Ebola and HIV, writes Enric Sala of the National Geographic Society.Countries should make conservation a...
by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
Coronavirus lockdowns have led to the biggest fall in energy demand in 70 years.Renewables have increased their contribution to the energy mix as fossil fuel demand has seen a widespread fall.Drop in energy consumption will trigger the biggest ever fall in global CO2...
by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
Humans have long treated nature as little more than an exploitable resource – and we are now living with the consequences.Granting legal personhood to things like forests, rivers and species could give them the best chance of survival and renewal.To achieve...
by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
Global restrictions put in place COVID-19 pandemic saw carbon dioxide emissions fall to their lowest level since 2006.The drop was highest in early April, when regions responsible for 89% of global emissions were under some form of lockdown. The amount of CO2 being...
by bridgeadcom | May 28, 2020 | Environment- Covid-19
There is a misperception that nature is getting a break during the COVID-19 pandemic.Instead, many rural areas in the tropics are facing increased pressure from land-grabbing, deforestation, illegal mining and wildlife poaching.To respond to this crisis of human...
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